First Sunday Free: Giddy Up!
Sunday, May 5, 2024
1:00 PM–4:00 PM
The Clark
(See the event location map)
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Did you know that Sterling Clark, one of the founders of the museum, was an art collector and horse breeder? Channel Sterling’s love for both horses and art with a day of horse-inspired art and art-making. Follow an activity guide around the galleries to see which depictions of horses make you say “yay” or “neigh,” or join a Clark educator for a closer look at Frederic Remington’s paintings of horses at 2 pm. Visit the Clark Center lower level and grab hold of your artistic reins with creations inspired by these captivating creatures—like paper horses with joints you can move. And remember to view the pop-up installation of prints and drawings of horses in the Manton Study Center for Works on Paper from 11 am–1 pm. Race on over to the Clark!
Free admission all day. Special activities in the Clark Center lower level from 1–4 pm.
Family programs are generously supported by Allen & Company.
Image: Frederic Remington, Dismounted: The Fourth Troopers Moving the Led Horses (detail), 1890, oil on canvas. The Clark, 1955.11
Free admission all day. Special activities in the Clark Center lower level from 1–4 pm.
Family programs are generously supported by Allen & Company.
Image: Frederic Remington, Dismounted: The Fourth Troopers Moving the Led Horses (detail), 1890, oil on canvas. The Clark, 1955.11