Clark Collage Club
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
6:00 PM–8:00 PM
Manton Research Center
(See the event location map)
Get directions to the ClarkCut, paste, create! Escape the cold of winter in the Berkshires and add a little warmth to your evening with this free art-making event. Drop in any time between 6–8 pm and make your own creative collage. Get inspired by images from the Clark's collection or the beautiful backdrop of the Clark's architecture and enjoy an evening with a community of other collage-makers. Open to beginners, experienced artists, and everyone in between!
Free. All materials provided; recommended for ages 16+.
Clark Collage Club takes place once a month in January, February, and March. Explore the special exhibitions and permanent collection galleries for free throughout these months, and enjoy more time at the Clark with this free monthly art-making event!