Manuel Fontan del Junco

Fundación Juan March

June–August 2016

Manuel Fontan del Junco

Manuel Fontán del Junco became Director of Museums and Exhibitions at the Fundación Juan March in Madrid, Spain and its two museums in 2006. Besides his publications, translations, and lectures, he has conceived, directed, and in many cases curated more than fifty exhibitions including Tarsila do Amaral [2009]; Cold America: Geometrical Abstraction in Latin America (2011); Aleksandr Deineka 1899–1969; An Avant-Garde for the Proletariat (2011); Sound Art in Spain 1961-2016 (2016); and The Unseen: From Informalist Painting to the Postwar Photobook 1945-1965 (2016). At the Clark, he will work on a curatorial research project  (working title: “The Genealogies of Modern Art, or Art History as Visual Art”) that will result in an exhibition in 2018 focused on Alfred H. Barr’s famous chart for his 1935 Cubism and Abstract Art exhibition.