Adrian Sudhalter

Independent scholar

February–June 2011

Adrian Sudhalter

Clark/Centre Allemand Fellow (Spring, 2011) Adrian Sudhalter is an art historian and curator, with expertise in German art of the early twentieth century. She received her doctorate from the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University in 2005. Her dissertation, "Johannes Baader and the Demise of Wilhelmine Culture: Architecture, Dada, and Social Critique, 1875-1920," is currently being prepared for publication. She worked on the major Dada exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art, New York (MoMA) in 2005-06 and co-edited the multi-author, scholarly volume Dada in the Collection of The Museum of Modern Art (2008). She was a member of the curatorial team that organized Bauhaus: Workshops for Modernity at MoMA in 2009-10 and was a key contributor to the exhibition catalogue. While at the Centre Allemand and the Clark, she will work on a reconstruction of the visual contributions—photographs, collages, drawings—to Tristan Tzara’s unrealized 1921 book Dadaglobe, for publication and prospective exhibition.