Scroll through these historic photographs of Villa. He is always depicted wearing a sombrero and bedecked with ammunition, exactly as in Posada’s broadside image.
Pancho Villa
Pancho Villa.
Bain Collection/Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (LC-DIG-ggbain-09255)

Pancho Villa
Pancho Villa, between 1908 and 1919
National Photo Company Collection/Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (LC-DIG-npcc-19554)
Proclamation, $5,000.00 reward, Francisco (Pancho), John R. Peavey Scrapbook, page 23, UTRGV Digital Library, The University of Texas – Rio Grande Valley
Pancho Villa on horseback, Bain News Service, publisher, 1916. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, DC
Posada sometimes used news photos as source material for his prints as in this example of Pancho Villa before a firing squad. Posada borrowed the the figures and their costumes from the photograph, but manipulated the space and embellished the setting to better suit the graphic qualities of his broadside. Although Villa would die by gunfire in an ambush in 1923, his life was spared in the scene illustrated in the photograph and print. At the last minute President Madero granted him a reprieve.
Francisco Villa before the firing squad, 1912, Colección Archivo Casasola - Fototeca Nacional, Fototeca Nacional INAH, Hildago, Mexico
El Fusilamiento Del Brigadier Honorario Francisco Villa (The Execution Of The Honorary Brigadier General Francisco Villa)
Grand Valley State University Art Gallery, Grand Rapids, MI, 2002.496.1a