Indigenous ART AND art collections IN BRAZIL WITH naine terena
december 10, 2020
This lecture discusses the inscription of indigenous art in Brazil, taken from different perspectives (indigenous and non-indigenous). To this end, Naine Terena focuses on contemporary indigenous artworks, as well as on the circuits of artistic production and exhibition. Terena examines the conditions of introduction of indigenous art in exhibition spaces and highlights the central principals of indigenous aesthetics, centered on activism, non-ephemerality, and memory.
Naine Terena is an artist, art-educator, and professor at the Catholic University in Mato Grosso do Sul, where she created and leads the project “Lab Gente.” She holds a PhD in Education from the Catholic University in São Paulo, a masters degree in Social Communication from the Federal University in Brasilia, and a degree in radio production from the Federal University in Mato Grosso. She works as curator, communication advisor, and programmer of socio-cultural-educational events. Naine Terena is head of the “Oraculo, communication Education and Culture” organization, created in 2012.