Attributed to Rembrandt van Rijn
Dutch, 1606–1669
Christ Finding the Apostles Asleep
c. 1654
Medium | pen and brown ink, and brown and grayish-brown wash, on paper |
Dimensions | 7 3/16 x 11 in. (18.3 x 28 cm) |
Object Number | 1955.994 |
Acquisition | Acquired by Sterling and Francine Clark before 1955 |
Status | Off View |
Image Caption
Attributed to Rembrandt van Rijn, Christ Finding the Apostles Asleep, c. 1654, pen and brown ink, and brown and grayish-brown wash, on paper. Clark Art Institute, 1955.994
Select Bibliography
Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale.. Expositions d'oeuvres de Rembrandt.. 1908..
Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute. Exhibit Twelve: Dutch and Flemish Masters. Exhibition catalogue. Williamstown, MA: Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, 1960.
Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute. Exhibit Thirty-one: Drawings of the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries. Exhibition catalogue. Williamstown, MA: 1965.
Wildenstein & Company. An Exhibition of Treasures from the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts: Paintings, drawings & rare silver, for the benefit of the Committee to Rescue Italian Art, inc. (CRIA). Exhibition catalogue. New York: Wildenstein & Company, 1967.
Judson, Jay richard, Egbert Haverkamp-Begemann, and Anne-Marie Logan. Rembrandt after Three Hundred Years. Exhibition catalogue. Forward by C. C. Cunningham. Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, 1969.
International Exhibitions Foundation.. 17th-Century Dutch Drawings from American Collections. National Gallery of Art, Washington, Jan. 30-March 13, 1977; Denver Art Museum, April 1-May 15, 1977; Kimbell Art Museum, June 1-15, 1977. Cat. by Franklin W. Robinson.
Miami (FL): Center for the Fine Arts.. In Quest of Excellence: Civic Pride, Patronage, Connoisseurship. Jan. 12-April 22, 1984.
Brooke, David S. Master Drawings: Robert Sterling Clark as a Collector. Exhibition catalogue. Williamstown, MA: Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, 1995.
Emile Michel.. Rembrandt, son oeuvre et son temps.. Paris.. 1893..
Friedrich Lippmann.. Original Drawings by Rembrandt, Reproduced in the Colours of the Originals.. Berlin.. 1888-92..
Cornelis Hofstede de Groot.. Die Handzeichnungen Rembrandts.. Haarlem: E. F. Bohn.. 1906..
John Postle Heseltine.. Original Drawings by Rembrandt in the Collection of J. P. H.. London: Autotype Co.. 1907..
J. Kruse and Karl Neumann.. Die Zeichnungen Rembrandts und seiner Schule im National-Museum zu Stockholm.. The Hague.. 1920..
Werner Weisbach.. Rembrandt.. Berlin: W. de Gruyter.. 1926..
H. Hell.. "Die spaten Handzeichnungen Rembrandts.". Repertorium für Kunstwissenschaft, 51.. (1930)..
Elfried Bock and Jakob Rosenberg.. Die niederlandischen Meister: beschreibendes Verzeichnis samtlicher Zeincnungen.. Berlin: J. Bard.. 1930..
Wilhelm Reinhold Valentiner.. Rembrandt, des Meisters Handzeichnungen.. Stuttgart-Berlin: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt.. 1925-1934..
Otto Benesch.. Rembrandt, Werk und Forschung.. Vienna.. 1935..
M. D. Henkel.. Catalogus van de Nederlandsche Teekeningen in het Rijksmuseum te Amsterdam.. The Hague: Algemeene landsdrukkerij.. 1942-.
Otto Benesch.. Rembrandt: Selected Drawings.. London-New York.. 1947..
Otto Benesch.. The Drawings of Rembrandt.. London: Phaidon.. 1957..
Sutton, Peter C. A Guide to Dutch Art in America. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. and The Netherlands-America Amity Trust, 1986.
Kern, Steven, et al. The Clark: Selections from the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute. New York: Hudson Hills Press, 1996.
Haverkamp-Begemann, Egbert, Standish D. Lawder, and Charles W. Talbot, Jr. Drawings from the Clark Art Institute: A Catalogue Raisonné of the Robert Sterling Clark Collection of European and American Drawings, Sixteenth Through Nineteenth Centuries, at the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown. 2 volumes. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1964.
R. P. Roupell, London (L. 2234, on reverse);* J. P. Heseltine, London (L. 1507, on reverse); Colnaghi, London (bought by Robert Sterling Clark, 1913). *"L." refers to F. Lugt, Les Marques de collections de dessins et d'estampes, Amsterdam, 1921 and Supplément, The Hague, 1956.