Albrecht Dürer
German, 1471–1528
Sketches of Animals and Landscapes
Medium | pen and black ink, and blue, gray, and rose wash on paper |
Dimensions | 10 7/16 x 15 5/8 in. (26.5 x 39.7 cm) |
Object Number | 1955.1848 |
Acquisition | Acquired by Sterling and Francine Clark before 1955 |
Status | Off View |
Image Caption
Albrecht Dürer, Sketches of Animals and Landscapes, 1521, pen and black ink, and blue, gray, and rose wash on paper. Clark Art Institute, 1955.1848
Select Bibliography
Haverkamp-Begemann, Egbert, Standish D. Lawder, and Charles W. Talbot, Jr. Drawings from the Clark Art Institute: A Catalogue Raisonné of the Robert Sterling Clark Collection of European and American Drawings, Sixteenth Through Nineteenth Centuries, at the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown. 2 volumes. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1964.
Checa, Fernanado. Durero y Cranach: arte y humanismo en la Alemania del Renacimiento. Exhibition catalogue. Madrid: Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, 2007.
Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute. Exhibit Thirty-one: Drawings of the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries. Exhibition catalogue. Williamstown, MA: 1965.
Wildenstein & Company. An Exhibition of Treasures from the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts: Paintings, drawings & rare silver, for the benefit of the Committee to Rescue Italian Art, inc. (CRIA). Exhibition catalogue. New York: Wildenstein & Company, 1967.
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.. Dürer in America: His Graphic Work. April 25-July 6, 1971. Cat. by G. F. Ravenel and J. A. Levenson.
Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute. A Tribute to Albrecht Dürer. Exhibition checklist. Williamstown, MA: Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, 1971.
Tokyo: The National Museum of Western Art.. Masterpieces of World Art from American Museums, from Ancient Egyptian to Contemporary Art. Sept. 11-Oct. 17, 1976; National Museum, Kyoto, Nov. 12-Dec. 5, 1976. Cat. by Sherman E. Lee. Org. by U.S. Museum Interchange Subcommittee of CULCON.
Vienna: Albertina.. Albrecht Dürer und die Tier- und Pflanzenstudien der Renaissance. April 18-June 30, 1985. Cat. by Fritz Koreny.
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C.. Circa 1492: Art in the Age of Exploration. Oct. 12, 1991-Jan. 12, 1992.
Brooke, David S. Master Drawings: Robert Sterling Clark as a Collector. Exhibition catalogue. Williamstown, MA: Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, 1995.
Dodgson, Campbell. "A Sheet of Studies by Dürer." The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs 30, no. 171 (December 1917): 23133.
Lippmann, Friedrich. Zeichnungen von Albrecht Dürer, in Nachbildung. Berlin: G. Grote, 188892.
Friedrich Winkler.. Die Zeichnungen Albrecht Dürers.. Berlin: Deutscher Verein für Kunstwissenschaft.. 1936-39..
Hans Tietze and E. Tietze-Conrat.. Kritisches Verzeichnis der Werke Albrecht Dürers.. Augsburg: B. Filser.. 1928-1938..
Heinrich Theodor Musper.. "Dürers Zeichnung im Lichte seiner Theorie.". Pantheon, 21.. (1938)..
Panofsky, Erwin. Albrecht Dürer. 2 volumes. Princeton University Press, 1945.
Friedrich Winkler.. Albrecht Dürer, Leben und Werk.. Berlin: Gebr. Mann.. 1957..
Ashbery, John. "Williamstown-sur-Seine." Art News 65, no. 10 (February 1967): 4447, 62.
Young, Mahonri Sharp. "Infinite Variety." Letter from the U.S.A. Apollo 85, no. 63 (May 1967): 38183.
. The World of Albrecht Dürer.. New York: Time-Life Books.. 1967..
White, Christopher. "Dürer in America: An Exhibition in Washington." Burlington Magazine 113, no. 819 (June 1971): 3545, 357.
Mahonri Sharp Young.. "The Loving Eye, the Cunning Hand.". Apollo, 154: 113.. (July 1971)..
. "Albrecht Dürer: Diary of His Journeys in the Netherlands," tr. J. A. Goris, G. Marlier.. La Connaissance.. 1971..
Colin Eisler.. The Seeing Hand: The Treasury of Master Drawings.. New York: Harper & Row.. 1975..
Dent, Anthony. Animals in Art. Oxford: Phaidon. 1976.
Rolf Harris.. A Guide to Art: Looking at Pictures.. Oxford: Phaidon Press.. 1978..
Brooks, John H. Highlights: Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute. Williamstown, MA: Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, 1981.
Faison, S. Lane, Jr. The Art Museums of New England: Massachusetts. Vol. 2. Revised edition of Faison, Guide to the Art Museums of New England, 1958. Godine Guide 3. Boston: David R. Godine, 1982.
Guy Hubbard and Enid Zimmerman.. Artstrands: A Program of Individualized Art Instruction.. Prospect Heights (IL): Waveland Press.. 1982..
Fichner-Rathus, Lois. Understanding Art. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1986.
Jane Campbell Hutchison.. Albrecht Dürer: A Biography.. Princeton: Princeton University Press.. 1990..
Colin Eisler.. Dürer's Animals.. Washington (DC): Smithsonian Institution Press.. 1991..
Fichner-Rathus, Lois. Understanding Art. 3rd edition. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1992.
Fichner-Rathus, Lois. Understanding Art. 4th edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1995.
Kern, Steven, et al. The Clark: Selections from the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute. New York: Hudson Hills Press, 1996.
Ganz, James A. "Old Masters in the Clark Collection, Part II: Prints and Drawings" The Magazine Antiques 62, no. 4 (October 1997): 51015.
Dagmar Eichberger and Charles Zika, ed.. Durer and His Culture.. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.. 1998..
Fichner-Rathus, Lois. Understanding Art. 5th edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1997.
Rathus, Lois Fichner. Understanding Art, 6th ed.. Fort Worth (TX): Harcourt College Publishers.
Smith, Dr. Jeffrey Chipps. "Albrecht Dürer as Collector." Renaissance Quarterly vol. 64, no.1 (Spring 2011): 149.
Brooke, David S., Rafael Fernandez, and Beth Carver Wees. Three Cheers for the Twenty-Fifth. Exhibition catalogue. Williamstown, MA: Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, 1980.
Ganz, James A. and Richard R. Brettell. Great French Paintings from the Clark: Barbizon through Impressionism. Exhibition catalogue. New York: Skira Rizzoli Publications; Williamstown, MA: Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, 2011.
Polley, Robert L., ed. Great Art Treasures in America's Smaller Museums. Text by Harold E. Haydon. New York: Putnam's, 1967.
Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, Wilton House, Salisbury (sale London, Sotheby, July 5–6, 9–10, 1917, no. 298 {Illustrated before restoration}); Colnaghi, London (bought by Robert Sterling Clark, 1919).