Machine Age Modernism

Prints from the Daniel Cowin Collection

February 28–May 17, 2015

Machine Age Modernism

Sybil Andrews


Sybil Andrews (English, 1898–1992), Sledgehammers (detail), 1933. Color linocut on paper, 11 13/16 x 13 9/16 in. Collection of Daniel Cowin © Glenbow, Calgary, 2014 

Machine Age Modernism: Prints from the Daniel Cowin Collection will feature a group of forty prints from the exceptional Daniel Cowin Collection. These works capture the tumultuous aesthetic and political climate of the years surrounding World Wars I and II. The first part of the exhibition will consider two notable British printmakers, Edward Wadsworth and C.R.W. Nevinson. Both engaged specifically in Britain’s military efforts during WWI and its aftermath. The largest portion of the show will explore the linocut movement of the 1920s and 1930s. Artists such as Sybil Andrews, Claude Flight, Lill Tschudi, and Cyril Power created technically experimental linocuts, whose vibrant colors and abstracted forms bridged Futurism, Cubism, and Vorticism. This exhibition illuminates the struggle of these radical printmakers who navigated a conservative market as well as the harsh economic and political realities of their time. 
Machine Age Modernism will be accompanied by a fully illustrated catalogue with essays by Jonathan Black, a senior research fellow in the history of art at Kingston University in London, and Jay A. Clarke, Manton Curator of Prints, Drawings, and Photographs at the Clark.