Adrian Anagnost

Clark Fellow


Adrian Anagnost is associate professor of art history and core faculty of the Stone Center for Latin American Studies at Tulane University. Anagnost's research and teaching is centered on the persistence of colonial spatiality for modern urbanism and contemporary art across the Americas. Author of Spatial Orders, Social Forms: Art in the City in Modern Brazil (Yale University Press, 2022), which examines the politicized intersections of art, architecture, urbanism, and landscape in Brazil during the 1920s-1960s, Anagnost was also the co-leader of a 2021–2022 Mellon Sawyer Seminar on comparative commemorations, exploring art, memory work, and activism surrounding the continued spatial legacies of slavery and displacement in sites including Bvlbancha/New Orleans,Tenochtitlan/Mexico City, Mi'kma'ki/Nova Scotia, and Cibuquiera /St Croix. At the Clark, Anagnost will be completing a book on landscape, colonialism and ecology at the Gulf of Mexico and pursuing research on contemporary art’s preoccupation with Amazônia.