FEBRUARY 17–may 5, 2002



William Bradford
"Instantaneous View of Icebergs which, from their similarity and beauty, we named the Twins."
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
6 x 8 7/8 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Iceberg Grounded near the Land"
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
6 5/16 x 5 13/16 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Iceberg, showing the action of the water washing and wearing it into its present shape"
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
3 9/16 x 5 7/16 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Instantaneous view of Icebergs"
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
4 1/16 x 2 3/4 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
2 3/4 x 4 1/16 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"The Glacier as seen forcing itself down over the land and into the waters of the Fiord. The Glacier seen at the left on the land is much finer rendered in the large upright view, no. 40."
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
5 7/8 x 8 13/16 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"The Steamer taking soundings in front of the Glacier. Captain Bartlett finding the Water 500 feet deep, making a Solid Wall of Ice, to be seen if the Water was away, of between 775 and 800 feet high."
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
5 3/4 x 8 3/4 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"An extended view of a Section of the front of the Glacier, showing the wall, or frost, which was discharged or broken off"
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
11 1/4 x 15 3/16 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Front view of the Glacier near to the rocks over which it is moving. From the water's line to the top is from 275 to 300 feet high, and the current flows directly from the front of the Glacier, at the rate of about three miles the hour, through the arches and holes in the Glacier. The arches or caverns seen in icebergs are mostly formed previous the berg being broken off from the glacier."
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
11 x 15 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"The View of the Sermitsialik Glacier, the front extending into the middle of the Fiord, showing over one mile of its front, which was over 275 feet above the water."
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
24 x 37 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"The front of the Glacier, as seen on the land, being forced over the rocks, presenting a wall about seventy-five feet high. A nearer view of what is seen at the left in No. 32, the part which is coming over the rocks."
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
15 3/8 x 12 3/8 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Enlarged view of No. 33"
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
8 1/8 x 6 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"View of the Fiord of what may be termed a Jam of Icebergs. This is a scene in a Fiord after an awful discharge of the Glacier, when an immense number of bergs were thrown off, completely filling the Fiord which was some six or seven miles long and four wide."
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
10 7/8 x 14 1/4 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"The Steamer among the Icebergs heading to the northward"
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
3 3/16 x 4 3/16 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Side View of the Glacier where the middle is forced out more rapidly than the sides"
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
4 1/8 x 3 1/8 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Kunak Mountain in Davis Straits, with the Glacier on its summit. The finest view, showing its form and precipitous sides of 5,000 feet. There have been several attempts to reach the summit, but none of them have ever been successful."
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
10 7/8 x 15 1/4 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Instantaneous view of Icebergs on our way north"
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
5 1/2 x 7 1/4 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Kunak Mountain partially enveloped in a Fog"
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
10 7/8 x 15 1/4 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Kunak Mountain, with the commencement of a Fog Bank. The distance from the Foreground to the top of the mountain was six miles; the detail given so clearly shows the remarkable purity and clearness of the atmosphere"
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
10 7/8 x 15 1/8 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"The View shows the beautiful forms in varied shapes which the Berg assumed. On this berg we found a lake of fresh water, covering an acre in extent."
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
8 9/16 x 15 13/16 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"The 'Panther' passing up the Coast under the Midnight Sun"
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
2 15/16 x 4 1/16 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Instantaneous view of Icebergs off the coast, at mid-day"
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
5 3/4 x 7 3/4 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
Sandstone rock at the entrance of Karsut Fiord, rising out of the middle, and over 2,000 feet high. The Steamer on the left made fast to an Iceberg, on the top is a Lake of Water, from which we filled our tanks. This is over a mile and a half from the base of the rock, and shows its height with comparison with the Ship.
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Looking down Karsut Fiord - The Cliffs on the left were calculated by Dr. Hayes at about 4,000 feet in height."
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
7 1/4 x 9 1/4 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Esquimaux carrying his Kayak to the water to start on hunt"
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
3 x 4 1/8 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Instantaneous view of Iceberg"
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
5 3/4 x 5 3/8 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"The "Panther" moored to the heavy Hummock Ice"
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
2 7/8 x 4 7/8 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"The Midnight Sun in Melville Bay in August"
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
5 3/4 x 8 3/4 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Nearer view of the Polar Bears"
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
5 1/4 x 7 9/16 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Hunting by steam in Melville Bay, the party after a day’s sport killing six Polar Bears within the twenty-four hours"
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
10 7/8 x 15 1/8 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Steaming to the northward on the 7th of August, through a lead in the floe and among the icebergs"
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
3 3/8 x 4 13/16 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"View of the Devil’s Thumb, taken about two miles from the base of the mountain, which is nearly two thousand feet high. This locality is always avoided by the exploring expeditions and whalers, on account of the numerous icebergs and the danger of getting nipped among the floes, which are constantly changing, owing to the currents and wind. Many whalers have been crushed in this locality."
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
10 7/8 x 15 3/16 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"View of the Devil’s Thumb partially enveloped in a Fog, with the first of the Drift Ice from the Pack, which was being forced toward the Land, from which we escaped through a narrow Lead; had we been hemmed in, we would have had to Winter there."
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
7 7/8 x 11 1/16 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Here we were surrounded by the wildest Scene possible to conceive. The largest Icebergs and heavy Hummock Ice seemed as if they enticed us amongst them to destroy us. While fast to one of the Icebergs a large Mass fell off, only Two Hundred Feet from our Stern, causing such a commotion in the Water that our Vessel rubbed her sides against the Iceberg in a very dangerous manner. We cast off and steamed to what we though a more safe Berg, and experienced while there a heavy Snowstorm."
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
5 3/8 x 8 13/16 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"The 'Panther' made fast to the Floe in Melville Bay, between the Icebergs and Field Ice."
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
10 7/8 x 15 3/16 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Where we patiently waited and quietly hoped for the Ice to open"
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
4 7/8 x 3 7/8 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Hard at work under a full head of steam, trying to escape being Nipped. 12th of August."
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
2 1/2 x 3 3/8 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Castle Berg in Melville Bay over two hundred feet high. The Figure, which is some seventy-five feet from the Base, gives an object to compare with the Berg. The Ice in the foreground is about eighteen inches in thickness."
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
10 7/8 x 15 1/8 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Between the Iceberg and Field Ice. The "Panther" firing up to escape being forced on to the Berg, as the Ice-Field was swinging towards the Berg which was grounded."
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
10 1/8 x 14 1/8 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Section of an Immense Berg, which was nearly half a mile in length, and was grounded in over five hundred feet of water. This Berg shows the texture very finely."
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
12 1/4 x 15 1/4 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"The Steamer, in an open lead, moored to the edge of the Ice Field. The Iceberg was about one third of a mile in length, and grounded in about five hundred feet of water. Its height above the water was two hundred and seventy-five feet"
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
10 7/8 x 14 3/16 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"The Farthest point reached (August 17th). Here the steamer is surrounded by the heaviest of rafter and hummock ice. After being liberated we shaped our course back."
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
10 7/8 x 15 1/4 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Esquimaux wide awake. He kept his eye on the Camera while being photographed, expecting it would go off or hurt him in some way"
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
4 3/8 x 2 7/8 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
"Esquimaux Toupek or Skin Tent. The boat or kayak is placed on poles to keep it from dogs, which destroy everything they can reach."
from Bradford's The Arctic Regions (London, 1873)
Albumen print
10 7/8 x 15 1/4 inches
Acquired by the Clark Art Institute Library with funds provided in part by the Scott Opler Foundation, 1999

William Bradford
Sermitsialik Glacier (“View Chosen by Princess Louise for her Picture”)
Albumen print
6 1/2 x 16 3/16 inches
Used with permission of the trustees of the New Bedford Free Public Library


William Bradford
Steamer “Panther” among the Icebergs in Melville Bay
Oil on canvas
20 x 30 inches
Collection of Maurice Tempelsman

William Bradford
Ice Bound Sealer Under Winter Sun
Oil on canvas
18 x 30 inches
Museum of Fine Arts, Springfield, Massachusetts. Irving Meyer Memorial Fund and James Philip Gray Collection

William Bradford
Arctic Seascape
c. 1869
Oil on paper
13 x 21 inches inches
Collection of Thomas F. Farb and Stacy S. Valhouli

William Bradford
Caught in the Ice
Oil on canvas
20 x 30 inches
Collection of Theodore G. and Eleanor S. Congdon

William Bradford
Ice Floes under the Midnight Sun
Oil on paper
13 ½ x 21 inches
Collection of Rose-Marie and William Shanahan

William Bradford
Seascape with Icebergs
Oil on board
9 x 14 inches
Collection of Rose-Marie and William Shanahan

William Bradford
Oil on board
13 ½ x 21 inches
Collection of Michael J. Ettner

William Bradford
Ice Dwellers Watching the Invaders
c. 1875
Oil on canvas
34 ¼ x 52 ¼ inches
New Bedford Whaling Museum, New Bedford, Mass.

William Bradford
View of Sermitsialik Glacier
c. 1873
Oil on canvas
18 x 30 inches
New Bedford Whaling Museum, New Bedford, Mass.

William Bradford
The “Panther” in Melville Bay
Oil on canvas
18 1/8 x 30 inches
The Royal Collection © 2002. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

William Bradford
An Arctic Summer: Boring Through the Pack Ice at Melville Bay
Oil on canvas
51 3/4 x 78 inches
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Erving and Joyce Wolf, 1982.
Photograph © 1983 The Metropolitan Museum of Art


William Bradford
The Steamer "Panther," among the field ice and icebergs in Melville Bay in August
Page from sketchbook, pencil on paper
5 9/16 x 8 5/8 inches
Mystic Seaport, Mystic, Connecticut

William Bradford
Multiple Views of the "Panther" Surrounded by Icebergs
Pencil on paper
14 3/4 x 21 3/16 inches
Used with permission of the trustees of the New Bedford Free Public Library

William Bradford
“Panther” amongst the ’bergs
Pencil on paper
14 1/2 x 21 1/16 inches
Used with permission of the trustees of the New Bedford Free Public Library 


William Bradford
The Arctic Regions: Illustrated with Photographs taken on an Art Expedition to Greenland
St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, St. Johnsbury, Vermont

The "Panther" anchoring by the side of a gigantic iceberg" by William Bradford
From "Icebergs," an article by Professor Charles A. Joy in Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, vol. 2, no 1 (July 1876)
Library of the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute