The Clark’s website will be down for a planned upgrade on January 6. For the latest information on exhibitions and events, follow us on social media.


Thank you for your interest in the Clark Art Institute’s collection. The Clark provides open access to all available digital images believed to be in the public domain. These images may be used for any purpose. There are no permissions required and no download fees.

Hundreds of high-resolution images are available for immediate download. Simply search the collection and click on the download link below the image. In most cases, you will be offered two file sizes for download. The high-resolution TIFF button links to a large high-resolution image file (up to 500 MB) suitable for publication, while the JPEG button links to a smaller, presentation-sized image (1-5 MB) appropriate for most non-professional uses.

When using Clark images, please reproduce caption and credit information with the image.

Claude Monet, Rouen Cathedral, the Façade in Sunlight. Image courtesy Clark Art Institute.

Any statement regarding the public domain status of a work is made by the Clark in good faith. While the Clark makes every effort to accurately determine the rights status of works in the collection and associated images, these images are provided without warranty. As an end user, you are solely responsible for the download and/or your use of any image from the Clark’s website. The Clark assumes no responsibility for any royalty or fee claims from the artist or on the artist’s behalf or any claims by any outside party, and the Clark, its officers, trustees, and staff are indemnified against any such claims arising from an image’s reproduction. Use of available images does not imply endorsement by the Clark.



Why can’t I find an image I want to download?
Not all works in the Clark collection have images available for download. This could be because the image is not in the public domain or because we may not have photography available.

How large are the downloadable images?
For works in the public domain, we provide image files in two sizes:
  1. JPEG files are usually between 1 to 5MB. These are most useful for personal study and digital uses such as a PowerPoint presentation.
  2. TIFF files are the largest available size, which could be up to 500MB. These images are useful for publication and most other large-format uses. 
Can I download an image of a work still under artist copyright?
For objects under copyright, the only image provided is the maximum size recommended by the Association of Art Museum Directors. To obtain publication-quality images of these works, you must first clear the rights with the rights holder. For more information, email: ImageResources.

Is it possible to get an image not available on your website?
To request a photograph of a work that is not currently available, email: ImageResources. Photography may take up to three months; rush delivery (with a fee) is sometimes available. Please note that it is not always possible to fulfill new photography requests based on factors such as accessibility, condition, and staff resources.

Do you provide match prints?
The Clark produces and may provide color match prints for selected works to aid in color reproduction, especially for publication purposes. For information, email: ImageResources