September 6–November 2, 2014

Lincoln Cathedral

Lincoln Cathedral. Image © Lincolnshire County Council

Lincoln Cathedral is one of the finest Gothic cathedrals in Europe. It was consecrated in 1092 and reconstructed in the Gothic style starting in the late twelfth century after being damaged by fires and an earthquake.

Stephen Langton, Archbishop of Canterbury during much of King John’s reign, came from Lincolnshire and was a student at the cathedral’s school in his youth. Langton played a crucial role in the dispute with the king and the drafting of Magna Carta, and both he and the Bishop of Lincoln, Hugh of Wells, were present at Runnymede when John was forced to agree to the document. Magna Carta has consequently been connected with Lincoln Cathedral from the very beginning.

The city of Lincoln is also home to Lincoln Castle, built by William the Conqueror and currently undergoing major renovation. These renovations will include a new interpretation center for Magna Carta, which will be unveiled in 2015 as part of the 800th anniversary celebrations for this historic document.

Today, Lincoln is a vibrant city with two universities. The University of Lincoln, as a center for medieval studies, is conducting groundbreaking research into the medieval origins of democracy.