June 30–October 8, 2018

steinkamp at the clark

As we commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Lunder Center at Stone Hill this year, we reflect on the relationship between art and nature—one that was vital to Sterling and Francine Clark, and an essential part of the decision to situate their world-renowned art collection in Williamstown. The works chosen for Jennifer Steinkamp: Blind Eye reflect a careful consideration of the importance of our landscape, and, indeed, the artist’s installations engage with the Clark’s unique environment. In Steinkamp’s new, site-specific piece titled Blind Eye, she features the gray and white birch trees that surround the Lunder Center and line the wooded paths up to Stone Hill. This mirroring of the natural environment within the Lunder Center’s galleries marks a celebration of the site and its distinctive offerings while welcoming outstanding exhibitions to come.

In this first exhibition of contemporary video installations at the Clark, visitors are encouraged to contemplate the changing seasons in Steinkamp’s continually looping projections. Her work transforms the Lunder Center’s striking yet peaceful architecture into artificial forests—simultaneously comforting and disorienting in their obvious simulation of nature. Like living wallpaper, or tapestries woven from code, Steinkamp’s video projections resist classification. This show encapsulates the evolution of Steinkamp’s oeuvre over the past three decades as she continues to alter perceptions of architecture and space through the use of technology.

Featuring extensive installation photography, Jennifer Steinkamp: Blind Eye includes an essay by Lisa Saltzman, Starr Director of the Clark’s Research and Academic Program. Distributed by Yale University Press; 80 pages. Call the Museum Store at 413 458 0520 to order.