Through Shên-kan
June 16–September 16, 2012

expedition highlights

Temple ruin, Gansu, Summer 1909, Smithsonian Institution Archives, Image # 2008-3082
City of Lanzhou, 1909, Smithsonian Institution Archives, Image # 2008-302; City of Lanzhou, 2009, photo courtesy of Li Ju
Street vendor, Suide, Shaanxi, 1909, Smithsonian Institution Archives, Image # 2008-3020; Street vendors, Suide, Shaanxi, 2009, photo courtesy of Li Ju
Jiangtaibu Market, Ningxia, July 1909, Smithsonian Institution Archives, Image # 2008-3084; Jiangtaibu Market, Ningxia, 2009, photo courtesy of Li Ju
Visitors to an exhibition of Clark expedition and Li Ju photographs at the Ningxia Library in Yinchuan, December 2009
Clark Director, Michael Conforti, at exhibition of Clark expedition, Xi’an, Shaanxi, 2008