July 4–October 10, 2016

About the Exhibition

The accelerating pace of virtualization and globalization is transforming the world and human life at an unprecedented rate. As people move around the globe in search of work, education, food, or peace, a sense of place is easily lost. This exhibition asks us to consider the idea of place by tracing the history of Stone Hill—a prominent geological feature located in the heart of Williamstown—and exploring the meanings it holds. The story, one that stretches back to ancient geologic times, considers how past and present inform what this place is today. With the European settlement of the town in the 1750s, the founding of Williams College in 1793, and the opening of the Clark Art Institute in 1955, rich educational and cultural traditions have been folded into this beautiful natural setting, making Stone Hill a place that harbors important lessons and memories. The history of every place is different, but by reflecting on one specific place, we can come to consider the significance of place in our own lives.

Sensing Place is curated by Mark C. Taylor, Professor of Religion, Columbia University, and Henry W. Art, Robert F. Rosenburg Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies, Williams College.

Sensing Place is organized by the Clark Art Institute. The exhibition and its accompanying programs are generously supported by Herbert A. Allen, Jr.

Use #SensingPlace to read and share stories of what place means to you on Instagram and Twitter.


Recovering Place: Reflecting on Stone Hill
By Mark C. Taylor
An illustrated book chronicling the land art and sculptures created by Mark C. Taylor at his home in the Berkshire hills, echoing themes found in the exhibition. Supported in part by Herbert A. Allen, Jr. and the Clark Art Institute and published by Columbia University Press. Call the Museum Store at 413 458 0520 to order.